We have already mentioned in the news about the upcoming Tablet Sony Xperia Tablet, and now the network got a new image device, similar to the official. They are reminiscent of the tablet Sony Tablet S: has a large touch screen and a thickening in the upper part. It is expected that the announcement of this model may be held at the IFA 2012 in late August and early September, and the issue - shortly thereafter, in September of this year.
According to unofficial data, Sony Xperia Tablet is running an operating system Android 4.0 (or later), is based on quad-core processor NVIDIA Tegra 3, equipped with a 9.4-inch touchscreen with a resolution of 1280 x 800 pixels, 1-megapixel front camera, 8 -megapixel camera on the back side and supports Wi-Fi and 3G. The thickness of the plate is small - it will be 8.8 mm.Predpolagaetsya Issue 16 GB, 32 GB and 64 GB versions.