Tele2 has expanded coverage of key federal highways in Russia

The operator Tele2 announced the completion of the next phase of the project to cover federal highways. According to a report published Roskomnadzor July 2, 2012, Tele2 is one of the leaders on the growth of radio coverage of mobile operators highways. At the end of first quarter 2012 net Tele2 was covered 9540.2 km of federal highways, for the second quarter, this figure had risen to 9729.3 km. company said that Tele2 mobile network services are fully secured routes: M-11 "Narva" - from the St. Petersburg to the border with Estonia, the M-19 "Novoshakhtinsk - May" from the border with Ukraine to the highway, "" Don ", M-36" Chelyabinsk - Troitsk "to the border of Kazakhstan, the M-38" Omsk - Cherlak "- to the border with Kazakhstan. Tele2 also provides high-quality radio coverage on major highways in Russia: the M-4 "Don" (Moscow - Novorossiysk), M-7 "Volga" (Moscow - Ufa), M-9 "Baltic" (Moscow - the border with Latvia), M 10 "Russia", "Scandinavia" (Moscow - St. Petersburg - the border with Finland), at intervals, passing through the territory of the licensed company.