MTS provides a unified federal government network management

Telecommunications operator MTS announced the opening of Russia's first Unified Control Center mobile and fixed network operator, which will, in his words, to increase the reliability of the network by around the clock monitoring the load on the network and the reallocation of resources, as well as provide an opportunity to quickly deploy new technology and communication standards.

A single network operations center located in Krasnodar and have complete control of the MTS network in all regions of Russia, from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok: under clock monitoring network performance, software management, analysis of network load, load optimization, testing the influence of the launch of new services on the network , accounting of network resources. A single point of management aimed at increasing reliability and network resiliency. In addition, the unification and centralization of network management processes will reduce the time to introduce new technologies and develop new communication standards, including the opportunity to give, if necessary, without time-consuming to deploy LTE network in all regions of the country. Investments in open Unified network management center was 27 million rubles.

On the basis of a central network management system of the MTS has implemented an automated quality monitoring system of communication based on the operational support of the new generation (NG OSS - New Generation Operations Systems and Software). Equipment installed on the MTS network, simulates the challenges of subscriber data transfer session, sending SMS and USSD-requests, which allows to reproduce the actions of the client when using operator services. The system accumulates the data and allows for active monitoring of the quality and availability of voice, data and other services, MTS, and not just to track the increased workload and lack of access network elements with the traditional network monitoring tools. These data are used for planning and optimizing network architecture software configuration, with the result that can significantly improve the quality and accessibility of services.