The operator MTS said that since July 26, 2012 at his Web Companion will be able to view the history of expenses in graphical form, and service "Promised payment" will receive an updated interface. Self-Service "Internet Assistant" allows subscribers to mobile network MTS to receive information about the current account balance, view a list of connected services that connect / disconnect services, transition to new rate plans, ordering details and more spending now costs over the past few months can be viewed using charts and graphs that clearly reflect the costs of the dynamics and even share the cost of one or another form of communication. The new service will help you analyze the cost of mobile communications and the need to change the tariff plan, or connect / disconnect services. This service is in the "control costs." In addition, for ease of service management "Promised payment" created a separate section, where you can learn the history of the promised payments, and detailed information about them, particularly when and in what way was closed, "promised" payment . Active promised payments, together with detailed information about them displayed in the "Account Balance".