Brand Digma announced the release of the tablet on sale iDs10. This model was introduced in March this year, and now it can be purchased for 7990 rubles. The device is based on a 1-GHz processor ARM Cortex-A8 and the operating system, Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. Display 9.7-inch tablet with a resolution of 1024x768 pixels, using IPS-matrix.
Also among the characteristics Digma iDs10 - Wireless Adapter Wi-Fi, two built-in cameras - a 2-megapixel on the back side and a 0.3-megapixel front and the battery capacity of 6000 mAh. It provides up to 20 hours of music (with a locked screen), up to 8 hours of reading and up to 6 hours when the Wi-Fi. Built-in memory is 8 GB models (there is a slot microSD), and RAM - 1 GB. Dimensions of the tablet - 242,4 x189, 1x9, 9 mm, weight - 610 grams.
Digma iDs10 Tablet OS based on Android 4.0 has been released
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