Toshiba will build a new factory for the production of NAND-memory

The available capacity does not allow the Toshiba cope with the increasing flow of orders for NAND-memory modules. It is reported by Japanese business newspaper Nikkan Kogyo. According to them the construction will be done in the expansion of fifth plant in Yokkaichi. Earlier, the Japanese economy due to the crisis caused by the earthquake of 2011, the second stage of this production has been called into question. Now, however, indicated that increased production will begin this summer, and the serial production of NAND-memory modules, new factory will begin in 2013. Official comments from representatives of the Toshiba is not followed. Growth in orders for NAND-memory modules connected with the increasing output of smartphones and tablets, which are an integral part of these chips. In addition, they are part of the solid-state drives, which are required for developing a class ultrabukov. While Toshiba and yields in the production of palm yuzhnokreyskomu Samsung, but it also has major customers for its products, including: Apple. Also, Toshiba is one of the most aggressive players in the market, which is rapidly developing technology, planning production of 19-nm process technology and the creation of a 128-GB chip that you could place a small amount of smartphone or tablet.