Barnes & Noble is preparing Nook Audio

Barnes & Noble Company prepares to release a product called Nook Audio. This is evidenced by the appearance in the company's own online store product pages with the name and model number OE250. Unfortunately, neither the name or model number does not give the slightest idea of what will soon be presented. Based on the fact that there are no devices with the same name and model number does not appear on the site Fedralnoy Communications Commission USA, we can assume that this is a reading room accessory for the Nook Color or tablet Nook Tablet. As an option called a docking station with speaker, wireless speaker or headphones. Company Barnes & Noble, whose core business is the registered trademark booksellers Nook Audio in February, and the current premises in the store, said that the formal presentation will occur in the near future . Direction of the audio completely new for the company, but the previous line of the development of devices Nook shows a totally successful steps in the development of "non-core" business.