Windows Phone Tango will be less demanding on the RAM?

As we learned from unofficial sources, Microsoft may reduce the requirements for the minimum amount of internal memory for smartphones running OS Windows Phone. It is very likely that such a step corporation went under the influence of the desire to penetrate the market of inexpensive smartphones. Currently, the minimum amount of RAM for such devices defines an 256 MB, but, in fact, manufacturers offer machines with only 512 megabytes or more, since the OS Windows Phone is very demanding on the resource it consumes and is not an optimal way. The cooperation with Nokia, which made ​​a bid to produce smartphones with OS from Microsoft, giving up their own projects, as dictated by the need to reduce demands for system RAM. Now Nokia is strong in the smartphone segment with average performance and value, making it logical to develop this category. In the segment of the most productive and expensive devices and Nokia WP7 positions are weak - there is only the main competition between Apple and Samsung. In addition, while the operating system from Microsoft suffers from a number of "childhood diseases", as one of the few of its advantages is quite colorful and very fast interface, which imposes restrictions on the minimum requirement of RAM. In addition it is reported that among the improvements of the operating system Tango in the version will be able to unite a group of applications in folders. The impossibility of any sort, except in alphabetical order and allocation of all installed applications into a single list called by many users one of the most negative features of Windows Phone 7, significantly reducing user fatigue.