Tips Yandex learned English

Development team of the company Yandex reported that Yandex search prompt values ​​learned English words. That is, now, to find out what the English word means, do not look for the translation - just type it in the search box and add Yandex "transfer" or "in English." After that, the word will be displayed right at the tips.

Translation tips working in the other direction - from Russian to English. Translations of words known by hints of Lingvo dictionary ABBYY, which has long been in the service helps users Yandex.Slovari. Also in the tips have been added translations of popular words and phrases in different languages.

By the way, in the new browser Yandex operates another option quick translation: just move to an unfamiliar word and press Shift. Developers said that the translations in the tips - a new feature in the program Intentny search. Recall the recent hints Yandex began to answer questions not only the known facts, but also early to inform about traffic, weather and exchange rates.