Apple’s launch of its new iOS 6 platform has received criticism over its new mapping functionality, with users bemoaning the lack of Google Maps. However, there’s growing speculation that an iOS 6 version of Google Maps has already been submitted and is merely awaiting the green light from Apple.
The Guardian has published a piece saying it’s been told that Google is in the process of “preparing a Google Maps app for iOS6”, while takes it one step further saying “an updated iOS6 version of the Google Maps app has [already] been submitted to Apple.”
Whether Apple would approve an application from one of its main competitors remains to be seen and the Cupertino giant has already spoken of how Apple Maps will improve with time and with more people using it – allowing a popular rival app could prevent this.
Even if Apple did give the okay, it could take months if not years for it to finally be approved – Google Voice took a year before receiving the Apple thumbs up.
Meanwhile further one-word responses from developers and journalists create even more confusion. In response to The Guardian’s article, developer Steve Stroughton-Smith tweeted the word “Yep” suggesting Google has indeed submitted a Maps app for the iOS 6 platform.
However, journalist Jim Dalrymple – known for having Apple’s ear – responded with a “nope”.
While iOS 6 users will, at least for the foreseeable, need to rely on Apple’s native Maps app (or download alternative solutions from the App Store), Google Maps can still be accessed via a mobile browser and can even be added to your iPhone or iPad’s home screen.