YOTA conduct additional testing LTE network in St. Petersburg

As we have mentioned, the launch of the fourth-generation LTE from YOTA held in St. Petersburg on August 31. Up to this point, all active users can obtain a free machine for a new network. The company already has tested LTE network in St. Petersburg, 9, 13, 14 and 15 August, when the tests were able to join people who have already obtained the new devices. Now YOTA plans two more night testing. Tests will be 23 and 29 August, they can also join the users that already have LTE-equipment. To use the LTE network during the test runs, you just need to connect the device to your computer and wait until the connection is established. During test runs, WiMAX devices will not work. Schedule additional test runs: 08/23/2012 01:30-05:45, 01:30-05:45 08.29.2012. Also, from 01:30 to 02:15 h and from 05:00 to 5:45 subscribers will not be able to connect to the Internet - either through WiMAX, or LTE.