It looks like our first leak has occured, as Windows 8 Enterprise N has appeared on torrenting sites and has been confirmed by serveral that it's the real deal. We are yet to test this ISO so we cannot confirm whether it is real or fake. The torrent is x64 and a rather small 2.83GB in size.
The ISO is named MICROSOFT.WINDOWS.8.ENTERPRISE-N.RTM.X64.VOLUMN.ENGLISH.NON_BOOT_DVD-SAMOVARWZT, the fact that the ISO is a tiny 2.83GB is strange, it could mean that the ISO doesn't include a boot.wim file, hence the reason the words NON_BOOT_DVD are included in the name of the ISO. If this is the case, then it's going to require some work in getting this to install.
Remember, we are yet to confirm this as real or fake. Many are saying that it's real, but as always take what you read with a grain of salt.
Currently, we are not providing links to the torrent.
It does appear that this build is real, as we have installed and tested it working with no problems. Therefore this leak is indeed real.