WhatsApp for Windows Phone 8 teased in new screenshots

Well now, look what we found! While digging around the official WhatsApp website for any news related to the app going AWOL from the Marketplace, in their wide-open-to-the-public Media page we discovered a folder in their Windows Phone screenshots directory titled "Apollo" which was apparently published just last week on July 26th.

We think you can connect two and two together from there, and we're proud to be the first to have a ton of screenshots to share with you showing off the future of WhatsApp, presumably for Windows Phone 8. Unfortunately not a lot of new functionality can be seen from the images except for the new small-medium-large variety of live tiles for the new Start screen. One interesting thing to note is an image titled "Home Panorama" (the last pic after the break) which features WhatsApp's signature sea blue wallpaper design. We'll take that as an indication of a redesign with a little more eye candy in the main contacts interface than the current stock look.

There's one more observation we just noticed. In some of the screenshots depicting the Start screen, the calendar tile has an upcoming entry that reads "Monday Morning WhatsApp released Windows Phone version - Mon, Nov 28, 10 AM". Now we normally would take this as a sign of a release date, but we noticed that the same calendar entry can be found in the screenshots of the current version for Windows Phone 7.5, so we doubt it's a legit date.

All of the screenshots are in HD, so you feel free to enjoy the remaining nine hi-res images after the break or at the source link (while it's still up).
