As it became known, the first smartphone manufactured by Samsung, following the Galaxy Nexus, which is positioned as a product from Google, received the updated Android OS to version 4.1 Jelly Bean, will be the Samsung Galaxy S III. There is nothing surprising in the fact that it is the flagship model, which successfully sold around the world, setting records for success. According to unofficial information, the version of the software from the Jelly Bean for this model has already passed the stage of testing, and currently the company's engineers are preparing for commercial release. He will be held in late third or early fourth quarter this year. After him comes out and upgrade to the flagship last year, Samsung Galaxy S II tablet and smartphone Galaxy Note, which is still successfully sold on the market. Together with them and get Jelly Bean Samsung Galaxy Note II, who in spite of the fact that just getting ready to leave, initially will have only Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. These devices will receive updates during the fourth quarter. In this respect Samsung Galaxy S II there is no certainty that it will receive Android 4.1. Although testing is still underway, it is possible that a full update will not be.