New Training Docs Correctly Identify T-Mobile’s Newest QWERTY Device

You didn’t really think we could make up a crazy name like the Samsung Galaxy S Relay 4G did you? I wish we had, but — we didn’t and so there it is, in all it’s QWERTY glory. So here’s what we know for sure about the device:

1.5GHz processor, still no word on S3 or S4, our guess is on the latter
4.0″ display
Running Ice Cream Sandwich
Mobile hotspot capable of up to 8 devices
Has S-Voice
NFC Capable
Same gestures as S3
50GB Dropbox offer for 2 years.
Terrible name
With the 15th of August coming and going, still no word on any updated release date, but our ears are to the ground and we’re hoping to hear something soon. I just hope they don’t change the name to something worse.