We have already mentioned in the news about the upcoming media player Samsung YP-GP1. On it was mentioned on the sites and benchmarks GLBenchmark Nenamark, and now displays an image and information about the characteristics. Judging by the picture, the site published SamMobile, Samsung YP-GP1 is built on a 1-GHz dual-core processor and is running an operating system Android 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich with an updated user interface TouchWiz. Display media player in a very large: 5.8-inch (960h540 points), so that the device may well be classified as mini-tablets.
Samsung YP-GP1 is equipped with 1 GB RAM, 3-megapixel camera on the back side, front VGA camera, FM-radio, GPS-receiver, gyro, receiver, TV T-DMB, wireless modules Bluetooth 4.0 and Wi-Fi, as well as slot microSD. The device will be available in black and white, its announcement may take place at the IFA 2012 in Berlin at the end of this month.
Media Player Samsung YP-GP1: picture and specifications