The analyst firm presented their assessment of the possible tablets that can deliver the company Microsoft. Initial production from the Microsoft Surface tablets may be slightly more than 3 million units. This figure will include the models from ARM-processors and the architecture Intel x86. Some of them, a million amount will be sold before the end of this year. These figures mean that the Microsoft implementation of the tablet will not only through its own stores, but will enter into contracts with major retailers. representative also Bob O'Donnell, IDC (Bob O'Donnell), the voice of the actual figure of 3 million units, and the assumption stated on pricing Microsoft. The company may come up with a very aggressive price offer, which may be in the region of $ 200, subject to a contract. In this case, the actual down payment for the tablet will not cover its costs for the company, but the continued use of the service, without which the purchase of the tablet will become impossible or irrational, will be paid. As a result, revenue from the sale of the tablet will be even more Surface expressed previously $ 600, which were pointed out informally. At the same time that the contract can be concluded if the first generation of Tablet Surface will have Wi-Fi connection, but will not have a 3G module and operator-bound, not quite otsevidno. Perhaps Micrisoft go the way of Amazon, which also sells the Kindle Fire at a loss, offsetting the costs through sales of the app store.