According to DigiTimes, HTC is going to release a 5-inch smartphone that could compete with similar models from Samsung and LG. DigiTimes has received this information from knowledgeable sources in the industry. According to them, HTC is preparing a smartphone with a 5-inch touch screen high-definition 1794h1080 points. Most likely, the actual resolution - 1920x1080 pixels, but it will take 126 points on-screen buttons used in the Android Ice Cream Sandwich and the Jelly Bean. It is not clear what would be the other characteristics of the 5-inch flagship of HTC, because of their source did not say anything, just mentioning that the new release is planned in September and October of this year. By the way, in late August, is expected to announce a new 5.5-inch smartphone Samsung Galaxy Note II. It was with him, obviously, have to compete "planshetofonu" HTC, if he really planned.