Resource Engadget cited data from the testing platform Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro on your Mobile Developer Platform. The platform consists of four APQ8064 processor technology Krait and Adreno 320 graphics accelerator. More new architecture Krait usually allows for tests to obtain performance similar to the results of quad-core Cortex-A9 with only two cores. Accordingly, the use of just four such nuclei should give better results than the Tegra chipset 3 and 4 Exynos Quad. These theoretical considerations are confirmed by published results of synthetic benchmarks. There is currently no information about the serial devices, which would have a processor platform. According to the above information processor dual-core version of the twice surpassed Krait and significantly ahead in the CF-Bench quad Cortex-A9. SunSpider test also showed a performance increase, despite the fact that virtually no JavaScript support has multiple cores. GLBenchmark showed a doubling of productivity in comparison with the Adreno 225, as well as the advantage over the GeForce 3 in the Tegra. Similar parameters are able to demonstrate Exynos adapter Mali-400MP, however, and it has lagged behind at 30 fps.