Online retail sales in the MTS showed a twofold increase for the year

Retail MTS announced a doubling of sales through the online store for the first half compared to the same period in 2011, which was achieved, according to the company due to synergies in the field of online sales, customer service in the salons of the MTS and logistics systems company.

According to the MTS retail network, including regions where people are most actively engage in online shopping - Moscow and Moscow region (22% of total turnover), the Volga region (21%, including 13% - Bashkiria), South (15% ), the Urals (13%), North-West (11%), Siberia - 8%.

The overwhelming share of Internet sales in total sales of retail MTS accounted for smart phones - 70%, 15% of portable equipment (laptops, tablet computers, readers, cameras), 12% - 3%, and phones - accessories.