Google Now from Jelly Bean now available for all ICS smartphones

I think you are all familiar with Google Now, the biggest feature introduced with Android Jelly Bean at Google I/O a few days ago. If not, you need the feature acts as a personal database to provide the most important info based on location, previous searches and interests. It also features a very complex voice assistant that managed to surprise most of us in a pleasant way as it’s better then anything out there.

As was the case with other Jelly Bean apps, XDA Developers member febycv managed to port the APK and found a way to make it work on any rooted ICS ROM. His method requires some build.prop editing. Here’s how he explains :

Open Root Explorer & navigate to /system
Now Open build.prop in Text Editor.
Edit = 16 & save.
Now go to /system/app & Rename GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk to GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk1
Now reboot & install the app from the download link.
Now edit build.prop & change = 15 & reboot.
Download febycv’s APK from here.

There is also another version that does not require editing of the build.prop. You can download it from here, rename the APK to GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk, push it to System/App and set permisions RW-R-R. Don’t forget to backup the original app and .odex file before you proceed.
