The network has the first information that Sony is preparing to release another smartphone running Android. The model with the index LT30 has three varieties, details of which appeared in various sources: LT30a, LT30at and LT30p. On the last known most of all - she was seen in the results of testing, which indicated that the device is running Android 4.0, equipped with a processor Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 and has a screen with a resolution of 720p. Unfortunately, that all information about its characteristics, which is known at this time. Versions LT30a and LT30at variations are carrier-base model. Another proof of the existence of the device in the form of engineering model was a photograph published on the service Picasa. It contains EXIF information, which indicates that it was made on 3 June in Malmö, Finland, using a device Sony LT30p. More no data suggest that the camera used in this device, since the picture was taken is clearly not the maximum resolution. From XML-files of profiles you can see that Sony LT30 supports WCDMA network and is equipped with a module Wi-Fi.