Product Design at Mozilla

“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.”
— Alan Kay

What are we doing to make sure that the ones working to disrupt Mozilla’s products is Mozilla itself, instead of our competitors? How do we focus on innovations in areas where Mozilla can be the first, the best or the only organization that can deliver outstanding products?

The Product Design Strategy team shows you what they’ve been working on for the past quarter. This presentation isn’t about theories and what-ifs and possibilities. They’ve been hard at work building new things.

Among the highlights are three functional product prototypes:

Junior — an iPad browser that makes browsing more fun, more ergonomic and re-thinks browser user experience from the ground up.

Search Tabs — taking search to the next level, restoring real search engine choice and expanding the search market.

Presence — talk to people, share links, and stay in touch with your friends directly from the browser.