Nokia closed its draft platform Meltemi

After reports that Nokia will fire in 2012, ten thousand employees, with the lion's share of cuts will have on the development centers of devices and software, followed by a natural continuation. In addition to the posts and the company will reduce the number of own development. One of these will be a promising platform for low-cost handsets known as the Meltemi OS. This operating system was to allow Nokia to create their own low cost smart phones, which would have strengthened its position in this market sector. Now it is clear that the company made ​​a strategic decision to focus on the Series 40 platform, based on which, and presented the latest development of inexpensive devices with touch screen. Thus, Nokia refuses to create devices that would have taken the gap between smartphones Windows Phone series and Lumia series of simple phones Asha. The solution will focus on the projects already launched, and not share too much money, which remain on the development of the crisis the company into several directions. At the same time, according to senior representatives of Nokia, completely abandon the Qt development company does not intend and will be left to a group that will continue to develop themes.