IDC Says Nokia Shipped 2.2 Million Lumia Phones Last Quarter

6:44 p.m. | Updated  Adding clarification that the Lumia 900 began shipping last quarter.

Nokia’s new Lumia smartphones are widely regarded as the Finnish handset maker’s last stand before it cedes the smartphone battle to Apple and Google. But how are the phones selling? Without official numbers from Nokia, it’s been hard to tell, but one estimate suggests that shipments so far are relatively small.

IDC, the research firm, said it estimated Nokia shipped 2.2 million Lumia devices in the quarter ended in March. Shipments are sales to retail channels, like Best Buy, or the carriers’ stores, not sales to consumers. That provides a measure for how many Lumia handsets the company was expecting to sell.

That number seems puny compared to the 35 million iPhones that Apple sold to customers in a single quarter. Of course, that’s not a fair comparison because the Lumia phones are still relatively new, whereas the iPhone has been around since 2007. But it shows Nokia still has a lot of catching up to do before it is a serious contender.

Nokia and AT&T are pushing hard to sell the Lumia 900, priced at $100, with a marketing campaign that AT&T says surpasses the introduction of the iPhone. Since its release in April, the Lumia 900 has been on Amazon’s list of top-selling phones. At Best Buy, the Lumia 900 is a decent seller, but Android devices are still the hottest phones. The Lumia 900 uses Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 operating system.  (Although the Lumia 900 became available in stores this quarter, the shipments began last quarter, according to IDC.)

Kevin Restivo, an analyst at IDC, said it was too early to tell whether the Lumia line would be an abject failure or an outright success, because the handsets have yet to become available on more carriers in more countries. He said the next two quarters would serve as a better measure of the Lumia line’s chances.
