Huawei Contributes to Breakthroughs in NG-PON2 Standardization

Huawei, a leading global information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider, announced that Dr. Yuanqiu Luo, Huawei's top optical access technology expert, was appointed an editor for physical-layer standards in NG-PON2. The Full Service Access Network (FSAN) working group – formed by major telecommunications service providers and system vendors to work on fiber to the home architectures – has identified TWDM-PON as the primary solution for NG-PON2, which contributes significantly to the advancement in the field of NG-PON2 standardization.

PON (a passive optical network) is a point-to-multipoint, fiber to the premises network architecture that reduces the amount of fiber and central office equipment required compared with point-to-point architectures. Over recent years, PON has been extensively and successfully used in FTTx deployment worldwide, with GPON achieving wide-scale deployment in many regions, and commercial trials of XG-PON1, also known as 10G-GPON, advancing rapidly. As a result, the industry is now focused on the development of new NG-PON2 standards. TWDM-PON, a combination of TDM and WDM, stacks 10G TDM PONs using multiple wavelength channels, and from a technical perspective, does not require any changes in legacy ODN networks installed by operators. Currently, it is the solution most compatible with GPON and XG-PON1, winning widespread recognition from telecoms operators, chip vendors, and equipment vendors. As a result, TWDM-PON was unanimously agreed to be the primary solution of NG-PON2 in the FSAN's latest group meeting.

In September 2011, Huawei released a 40G-GPON prototype built on TWDM-PON, which amply demonstrated its feasibility and application potential.

As a major participant in the global fixed access network field, Huawei is committed to the development and continuous innovation of state-of-the-art technologies. Huawei is a global leader in IP and optical access technologies. Its SingleFAN solution and related service offerings are used by more than one third of the world's broadband users, offering them an ultra-broadband access experience and enriching their life through communication.