HTC shall not be playing in a niche of cheap and super-cheap smartphones. This was stated by CEO Peter Chou (Peter Chou). Such information might well have been expected, since until now, even those models that were called HTC budget did not belong to the lowest price category, competing with the apparatus of the middle class. In the future, according to unofficial information, the Taiwanese smartphone manufacturer could lower the price level for its products, but will not do it. According to Mr Chow, the failure of the exit to the mass market of cheap Android-smartphone would have blurred the perception of the brand of the company, which is currently positioned as a manufacturer of luxury and functional units. The company's philosophy does not allow to prefer mass quality. The bottom line should be assumed that in the future HTC will not develop and market smart phones, the characteristics of which would have been lower than the model HTC Desire C. Despite the fact that countries with developed economies such a model is available to the mass buyer, its value can not occupy a significant niche in the markets of countries whose economies are just developing.