HTC has plans to expand the range of smartphones with quad-core processors. According to unofficial information, to be released on the European market is preparing apparatus HTC One XXL, which will receive two more than the core model One XL, a more powerful graphics card and twice as much RAM. The network already has a few screenshots of the model, which show some characteristics: 4.7-inch screen with a resolution of 720p, 8-megapixel primary and a 1.8-megapixel front camera and the code name "Closurexxl". processor platform is the most likely option Qualcomm Snapdragon processor with four cores Krait, has 2 GB of RAM and a graphics adapter Adreno 320, and the model will support standard network LTE. Under Processor HTC One XXL fits the model Qualcomm APQ8064, and has previously held hearing on the development of smartphone HTC Zeta, which is very similar to the description of the One XXL.