Galaxy Nexus Listing in Play Store Outs Jelly Bean as Android 4.1, Arriving “Soon”

And I’d say this about settles it. Jelly Bean will be Android 4.1, according to the Google Play listing for the Galaxy Nexus. We had all sort of assumed that 4.1 would be next, but now the question remains, “Will this be outed at Google I/O next week?” If Google is ready to talk about the G-Nex receiving it “soon,” I’d say that we should be surprised if it isn’t unveiled there.

Update:  During checkout, the new thumbnail that shows up includes a picture of the device with that new glassy Google Search bar that we saw in from the IO app yesterday. It’s tiny and tough to make out, but this blurry blown up version gives you bit of a look:

Update 2:  The checkout page that outed 4.1 as Jelly Bean has already been changed and no longer mentions it at all. Good thing we grabbed that screenie.
