Future connectivity: transferring data through touch

We have a natural instinct to touch things. And now, using a technology known as capacitive coupling, our bodies can be part of a network – making it possible to send and receive information just by touching something.

Ericsson’s Connected Me concept uses capacitive coupling and the natural electrical properties of the human body to transmit signals with digital information. In practice this means, for example, that a smartphone can pass data through the human body to devices such as electronic locks, printers, speakers and screens.

This technology, which uses the body as a wire, has the potential to change human behavior by making interaction with the internet and other digital services simpler. By holding a mobile phone in one hand and the other hand on a device, you can send and receive information at speeds of 6-10Mbps, with studies showing that the speeds can be further increased.

Jan Hederén, Strategy Manager, Development Unit Radio Access, Ericsson, says communicating through touch is one the most effective ways humans connect to one another, especially with the rapid penetration of smartphones and tablets. "We use our hands constantly to turn things on and off, to open and close objects; to basically do any daily activities," he says. "By being able to transmit and receive digital signals, by using the body’s natural properties, everyday activities become simpler. And because of mobile broadband, the fundamental enabler of this touch-based interaction, it can be used everywhere, in any situation."

But it’s not only about making processes more convenient; by redefining the way we use touch, we also create a more secure and personal connection. For example, consider the electrical lockers you find at train stations or gyms. By simply having a passcode in your smartphone, you can put your hand on the locker and the code will be sent. With the correct code the locker will open – just by touching it.

Other examples could include locking your car or your hotel room through touch. When it comes to printing documents, you can connect to a printer just by holding your hand against it, or you hold your hand on a TV/monitor and transmit photos or video clips to the screen with yourself as the "cable." "Pairing by wearing" is another feature. Just by wearing something, for example earphones, you are connected to your smartphone. These are just a few examples of how the "Connected Me" functionality makes everyday actions super-simple.

"When we are transferring this data, we send a signal through the human body called capacitance, which is the ability of a body to store an electrical charge," Hederén says. "When we raise this small voltage, that voltage then circulates inside your body and can be captured, allowing it to move from one hand to the other. A really simple way of explaining it is if you imagine that the body has become a replacement for a USB or Bluetooth connection."

For a company that predicts there will be more than 50 billion connections by the year 2020, this technology is particularly exciting.

By combining everyday behaviors with digital communication we can create new innovations with endless possibilities for people, business and society., Hederén says.

Connected Me is just one example of what will be possible in the Networked Society.