Today we are thrilled to be able to say that we are, bar none, the fastest HTML5 browser out there!
What is Dolphin Engine in Beta?
Dolphin Engine (in Beta) is an improved webkit version with extensive canvas enhancement and behind-the-scenes technology that makes it the highest performing HTML5 browser available today.
What does highest performing mean?
Dolphin has placed particular attention to canvas element, 2D context and text rendering. In addition, Dolphin Engine made significant GPU technology improvements around GPU accelerated canvas rendering and optimized CPU / GPU parallel computing.
How fast? Dolphin Engine’s HTML-5 Rendering is:
5-10X faster than the default Android browser
100% faster than Chrome (at times)
Scored over a 450 when tested on ( is an a respected tool for testing a browser’s support of HTML5)
Try it out our latest version of Dolphin Engine, the behind-the scenes technology that makes this Dolphin Browser the highest performing HTML5 browser.
Check out how Dolphin stacks up:
Click the image below to see Dolphin in action!
So what do the high scores mean?
The higher the score, the better the support of HTML5 based web apps/web games.
With a score of over 450, the highest tested, Dolphin has:
Full support for Web Worker
Full support for Web Socket
Full support for Web Audio
Support of Camera real-time video display
Support of Web Notification
Support of Web GL
Support of Web application customization
No need to download an individual app to your Android phone, Dolphin Browser’s new Beta runs all web apps super fast all within your browser. But enough talk – try it out.
Download Dolphin Browser Engine Beta!
Ok now that you have it, check out the difference. Go to our Demo page to explore different improvements Dolphin Engine in Beta’s the speed and support of HTML5 .
Key Examples:
HTML5 and CSS3 canvas performance enhancement
Web camera support
WebGL support
We want to know your experience so make sure to send us any crash reports and if you, heaven’s forbid, have any other problems while running the Dolphin Engine in Beta please tell us in the comments below or email
Vroom Vroom!
Team Dolphin
PS. While we have been testing as much as we can, there are just so many phones! Check out the full list here of phones we have already tested. If you have another type, please try it out and let us know! And we are sorry that Dolphin Engine Beta doesn’t support Android 3.0+ devices right now.
Dolphin Browser is the Highest Performing HTML5 Mobile Browser. Try Out our Dolphin Engine in Beta.
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