Enhanced OSS/BSS the key to realizing better user experience, business innovation and operational efficiency
Ericsson will demonstrate the breadth and depth of its holistic OSS/BSS portfolio
Ericsson’s consultation and systems integration capabilities adds value to its multi-technology and multi-vendor solutions
Ericsson (NASDAQ:ERIC) will showcase its combined portfolio of OSS/BSS products, solutions and expertise incorporating recently-acquired Telcordia assets, at the world’s largest OSS/BSS event, TM Forum's Management World, in Dublin from May 21 to 24.
The rapid growth in fixed and mobile broadband and the growing consumer demand for constantly connected devices present operators with vital new revenue and business opportunities. But they also present new challenges, in ensuring networks can handle the high level of data traffic while maintaining service quality; in delivering an outstanding end-user experience and in improving business and operational efficiency.
New and enhanced Operations and Business Support Systems (OSS/BSS) play a key role in meeting these challenges and realizing the opportunities of the evolving communications landscape.
At TM Forum's Management World, Ericsson will showcase approaches and solutions that address the diverse challenges and opportunities that communication services providers are facing. From delivering OSS/BSS transformation programs, to innovating in user experience, to Self Organizing Networks (SON), Ericsson will demonstrate how the breadth and depth of its portfolio helps operators realize a range of new opportunities and possibilities.
Other demonstrations will highlight how operators can realize better business by launching tiered and segmented broadband, how to leverage cloud for greater efficiency and to participate in new business value chains, and establishing automated fulfillment in multi-service, multi-technology, multi-vendor environments, all supported by Ericsson’s unique consulting and systems integrations (CSI) capabilities.
Ericsson will also share its experiences as part of the main conference agenda, with expert speakers on user experience, OSS transformation, and the evolution of pricing schemes.
Notes to editors
About Ericsson´s OSS/BSS offering
Ericsson empowers operators to monetize, provide optimal user experience and innovate in the Networked Society by transforming businesses and supporting systems to leverage network investments and create business opportunities.
We offer our holistic operator view when transforming organizations and IT environments utilizing true real-time competence and creating configurable OSS/BSS solutions. This gives the ability to monetize and manage any opportunity with the trust of a global experienced partner.
We have the most comprehensive OSS/BSS portfolio in the industry, recently strengthened through the acquisition of Telcordia.
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