MegaFon expands its M2M service in the Caucasus

Caucasian branch of the mobile operator "MegaFon" reported on the early provision of telematic services in the federal project of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation (FSIN) "Electronic monitoring of controlled entities" (samples) in the Stavropol region. SAMPLES The project aims to monitor the movement of convicts in the application such punishment, as restricting freedom. The system is a complex electronic devices, which includes an electronic bracelet and monitoring device with a SIM-card, transmitting a signal on the location of the support strap. In order to implement the project in Stavropol "MegaFon" provided 800 SIM-cards, which provide the opportunity to conduct round the clock remote monitoring location prisoners. Electronic bracelets with built-in mobile phone SIM-card used in the project sample, can not be removed or re-program yourself. If such attempts to console FPS inspectors instantly signal, as if convicted of illegally crossing the border territory prescribed for compulsory residence.