The company began selling Archos tablet Child Pad, which was announced back in March. This device, as you might guess by its name, is aimed at children. The tablet features a 7-inch resistive touchscreen display with 800 x 480 pixels. It is built on a 1-GHz processor and running the operating system, Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. RAM memory is 1GB, and built-in memory - 4 GB (a slot microSD). Wireless tablet features include Wi-Fi 802.11 b / g / n, also has front camera and the accelerometer.
Software Archos Child Pad includes a children's applications and content in the film "Alvin and the Chipmunks." Size up the tablet 223x142x12, 2 mm, and weight - only 380 grams (body plastic). The cost of child Tablet Archos Child Pad in the U.S. market is $ 129.99, it is sold directly from the manufacturer.
Children tablet Archos Child Pad went on sale
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