The network has another piece of gossip about the long-awaited flagship smart phone Samsung Galaxy S III. The information came from Asian sources, reported that the device is already being tested at home Samsung Electronics in South Korea - about a company representative told the resource AsiaE. Usually, the phase of testing takes about two months, but this time Samsung is going to meet soon.
In addition, the Korean resource DDaily told the details of the display device. According to him, the screen size will be 4.65 inches, and resolution - 720p. The display is made of technology Super AMOLED, however, unlike many other models from the same manufacturer, the system does not use sub-pixel PenTile. This patented design allows you to make the South Korean company's screens are cheaper and more energy efficient, but these displays lose in clarity. Recall, according to preliminary data, the new flagship smart phone Samsung Galaxy S III is built on OS Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, and 1.5-GHz quad-processor, equipped with 32 GB of internal memory, 12-megapixel camera with video recording 1080p, modules Wi-Fi 802.11 a / b / g / n with a Wi-Fi Direct, Bluetooth 4.0 and NFC.