For several evenings doing what I was searching the net for information about the next firmware update for the Nokia N9. Really nothing to be found on both the domestic resources and foreign. During a visit to the official website nokievskogo decided to ask this question directly, filled out a form and sent a letter with a question: "When will the next firmware update for Nokia N9?"
Sent on Saturday and the availability of a much more important things to have forgotten completely. On Monday morning at the number listed in the form of sending me, phoned fellow Nokia, from whom I received information about the new firmware, albeit meager, but still something. He told me that the PR 1.3 firmware for the Nokia N9 has been under testing and will be available to users even before the beginning of June. He also shared with me that the new firmware contains a fairly large number of changes to the question "What is it?" Naturally the answer was "I can not divulge details because I can lose your job!" anything else I did not expect, but the attempt is not torture. My next question was: "Will Skype support video calls?" To which he answered: "The application Skype is a third-party product from Nokia, and there is no independent". At the end of the interview Nokia staff said that, too, is the owner of N9 and ensures that the new firmware will surprise a lot of users of the system. That is, in principle, and all information obtained from official sources: the specifics of course no special, but now we at least know what to expect PR 1.3 is already set. If only Skype at this time is not blundered. Time will tell.