MTS launches of Russia's first private TV

The mobile operator MTS announced the introduction of a new principle of individual packaging, and updating the range of base and thematic TV packages.

The operator claims that he was the first in Russia introduces individual packaging for subscribers, "Domestic TV", in which subscribers will be able to create a list of channels. To select users are more than 40 TV channels with the rating of a subscription fee of up to 299 rubles a month - including sports, news, entertainment, music and children's channels from such owners as Discovery Communications, «NTV-PLUS», Viasat, «Red Media" , MTV Networks, and in particular - channels TiJi, «Science 2.0", AXN Sci-Fi, XXL, Blue Hustler, «Night Club", "Sport 2», Gulli, Mezzo, MGM, «Children," "Evrokino" "Football», Pro Business, and others. In addition, the number of channels available to users, "Domestic TV" features more than 20 new TV channels. Order à la carte channels can be directly in the menu set-top box.

In order to take advantage of individual packaging, from the beginning of April 2012 TV subscribers in Moscow and Moscow region can connect a TV package of "Basic" (76 channels). Also, users' home TV "available from the seven thematic packages updated line with a monthly fee of 50 rubles," Kaleidoscope »,« Discovery »,« NTV Plus Movie "," NTV Plus Sport »,« Viasat »,« Erotica "and HD.

Offer valid for Moscow and Moscow region. In the near future, MTS plans to distribute the formation of a new format for subscription channels through the service "Home TV" to other regions of Russia.