The company Research in Motion next week in the developer forum BlackBerry World intends to distribute the device for developers of software for BlackBerry smartphones with OS 10. However, the photos, though informal and low-quality machine has already appeared on the network. The device was very simple piece with a touch screen without a hardware keyboard. Designer excesses there is no, the smartphone more and more resembles a brick, in addition, is not subtle. smartphone is equipped with a front camera for video calls, as well as primary camera with flash on the back side. BlackBerry Company cautions that this unit with characteristics far serial devices and its sole purpose to provide developers with a minimum chance to try their hand at writing applications for the BlackBerry OS 10. These applications are also not considered in the RIM as commercial. first commercial device with the BlackBerry 10 is known as London (a code name, he will come to market with a different name). The smartphone will be in some ways resemble the model for developers - in particular, he will get full touch control. The official time to market is scheduled for October.
Images of the device for software developers for BlackBerry OS 10