Yandeks.Shell - free interface for Android

The company Yandex announced the launch of the owners of devices on Android system shells Shell - three-dimensional interface for smartphones and tablets, which is embedded in the search and Yandex services.

" Shell - the development team SPB Software. This is a very popular product, which led to the Android Market ranking in its segment, even being paid. Last November, the team joined the SPB Software Yandex. Together, we integrated the services of Yandex in system shell and decided to distribute it for free - says project leader Vasily Filippov. - Shell - a beautiful, clean and functional interface, which completely transforms the phone . "

Yandeks.Shell can create as many desktops as needed to the user, and place them on the widgets, applications and folders on your own. Switch between desktops is very convenient - they are assembled into a single three-dimensional carousel. Get the answer right will help dashboards, for example, pre-set panel Yandex.News tell you that the world is important, but Yandeks.Pogody - how best to get dressed and take my umbrella.