The company Yandex has released a free mobile application navigator. It contains both current maps, and routing, taking into account traffic jams, and maintenance on route. The application is able to calculate the best routes, taking into account traffic jams. Data about traffic congestion Navigator receives from the service Yandeks.Probki, and that the driver can drive without taking your eyes off the road in support of the application has a voice (two voices - male and female).
Yandeks.Navigator Yandex.Maps service uses the data, the content is continually updated. Thus, the drivers will always be relevant maps and road network (road graph), the developers. Now Yandeks.Navigator included detailed diagrams of over 500 cities in Russia and Ukraine. You can get directions, and within the same locality and across the country. Navigation within the city limits is available for most Russian cities with populations over 200,000 people, as well as for smaller Ukrainian cities. The application also provides a search of organizations, that is, without leaving him can be found, for example, the nearest gas station. Other features worth mentioning a night navigation mode and 3D-map of Moscow (in the future - and other cities). Yandeks.Navigator available for smartphones and tablets on two popular platforms - iOS and Android. Its available for free download in the App Store and Google Play (formerly Android Market).