Why Get A Tablet When You Can Have A Phablet?

A Samsung executive holds a large, flat rectangle — what could be mistaken for a floor tile — next to his face, and smiles.

“In my case I’m using this device,” he says. “Which is big.”

Hankil Yoon, a product strategy executive at Samsung, is showing off the new Galaxy Note, an over-sized smartphone with a 5.3 inch display that’s part of a new class of phones being dubbed “phablets.”

A portmanteau of phone and tablet, they are aimed at helping you avoid that old First-World problem of having to carry around both a tablet and a phone, along with the need to squint when you’re reading articles or watching movies on said phone.

The Note is currently on display at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, where artists have been using it to draw caricatures of delegates with the help of a stylus.

It runs on the next-to-latest version of Android, has an eight-megapixel camera and costs around $300 on a two-year contract.  It is a little weighty at 6.3 ounces and might look a tad silly at ear-level.

Phablets are thus having a hard time finding acceptance. Tech blog Gizmodo recently called LG’s new phablet, the Vu, “offensive in virtually every way that an object can offend… Let it never leave Korean gadget hell.”

But consumers seem to like it. Samsung says it has already sold 2 million Notes since last October’s launch, and plans to sell another 10 million by the end of 2012.

Do people really need these things? “I think people don’t know what they need,” Yoon says confidently. “But as soon as they start using it, they think that’s what they need.” Yoon adds that he’s grown to enjoy reading emails and browsing web pages on his Note’s SuperAMOLED display. “I’m not going back to other devices now.”

Nokia‘s chief executive Stephen Elop seems to disagree, despite the fact that Nokia’s new Lumia 900 boasts an almost phablet-like, 4.3-inch display.

“I’m unsure about whether it’s a good niche or not,” he told me earlier at MWC. “A number of markets are really driving larger form factors. The 900 is this size because when you talk to people in the U.S., it’s what people want… It’s something we’ll watch carefully.”

Maybe if Samsung really does sell those 10 million phablets this year, Elop and others will change their minds.
