The operator Tele2 introduced a new entertainment service "Golosomenyalka." The service allows real-time to change the voice of the caller, using a variety of effects. Through the service, "Golosomenyalka" Tele2 subscribers will be able to play your friends and family, talking voices of popular characters. Music library services includes special audio filters that allow you to change the female voices to male and vice versa, we simulate the Darth Vader, chipmunks Chip and Dale, Masyanya, Santa Claus and other famous characters. In order to use the service, the client Tele2 enough to call the short number 334, choose a favorite effect, and enter the phone number, which will make a call. After this connection is established automatically by the module voice changing. At the conclusion of the service call is terminated. The cost of a call to the number 334 and subsequent conversation is 12 rubles per minute. The service "Golosomenyalka" is available to all subscribers Tele2 Russia, works with all models of mobile phones and does not require installation of additional applications.
Tele2 subscribers speak like Darth Vader and Masyanya
Mobile operators