Smartphone teXet TM-5200 has a shell Yandeks.Shell

Company Yandex and "Electronic systems" Alkotel "signed a partnership agreement: from March 2012 on the devices will be preinstalled teXet Yandeks.Shell. First model with an integrated shell Yandeks.Shell became flagship smartphone teXet TM-5200 with a large 5.25-inch touchscreen and two SIM-cards, sales of which started in March. All subsequent new company based on the Android (tablets and smartphones) will also be supplied with a new shell.

Yandeks.Shell - is a vivid surround interface for smartphones and tablets on OS Android. It was created by SPB Software, which has recently bought a Yandex. Three-dimensional carousel on the home screen lets you switch between desktops, which can be as long as necessary. Built-in Yandex search will find the right information and the Internet, and on the device. Panels, for example, and Yandex.News Yandeks.Pogody, answer questions directly on the main screen and sort through the application may run without opening the folder. The information is displayed using three-dimensional widgets.