Samsung Electronics announced that Samsung GALAXY S II has been named the winner in nomination "Best Smartphone of the year" according to the association GSMA, the organizer of the exhibition Mobile World Congress (in 2012 this event took place recently in Barcelona). Indeed, the flagship smartphone Samsung GALAXY S II was extremely popular and has sold 10 million units in the first five months of sales, and 10 months the world has sold over 20 million Samsung GALAXY S II.
Recall, a thin (8.49 mm) and lightweight Android-smartphone Samsung GALAXY S II is equipped with dual-core processor and a 4.27-inch bright display Super AMOLED Plus. Also among its features include an 8-megapixel camera that can record video 1080p, 16 or 32 GB of memory, Bluetooth 3.0, NFC, and so on. The device supports services firm Samsung, including the communications service ChatON and "social portal" that provides access to music, games, books and electronic communication in social networks. Soon expected to announce a new flagship - Samsung GALAXY S III.