Orange Ninjas Surprise Commuters By Hanging Out With the Rizzle Kicks For Their First Official Live Acoustic Gig

Orange’s Ninjas present Rizzle Kicks for their first official acoustic gig at Broadgate
Rizzle Kicks - one of a variety of great artists on Deezer, available as a free subscription exclusively with Orange’s Swapables plans
Orange’s team of Ninjas today staged an impromptu live acoustic gig to entertain commuters with 2012 breakthrough artists, Rizzle Kicks.  The Orange Ninjas presented the Brit nominees on wires for a performance at Broadgate on the edge of the city - to support Orange’s latest Swapables TV advertising.

Rizzle Kicks performed four tracks from their new album in front of commuters, helping to liven up their daily journey into work.

The distinctive Ninjas who supported the band in mid-air, have been created by Orange to represent the invisible Orange network behind the scenes, bringing the company’s services to customers. The Orange Ninjas will feature across all of Orange’s proposition and service campaigns throughout the year, and their first TV debut has seen them highlight Orange’s Swapable plans.

In addition to minutes, text and a data allowance, Orange Swapables plans include ‘Swapable’ premium services from partners such as Deezer, so customers can listen to and download all the music they love from 15 million tracks of all their favourite artists including Rizzle Kicks on the go and with no limitation.

Orange worked with film and television stunt specialists Wire Rigs to build the 20 foot structure to suspend the team of Orange Ninjas from.

Spencer McHugh, Director of Brand at Orange UK, commented: “Having our team of magical Ninjas join forces with Rizzle Kicks, helps highlight in a fun and creative way how we like to go that extra mile to give customers more of what they want. It also did a fantastic job of making the daily commute in to work a lot more enjoyable for those in the area.”

Jordan and Harley, Rizzle Kicks, add: “We are very excited about this gig as we get to hang with a bunch of Ninjas, we don't do that very often!”

To see broadcast footage from the gig, and for more information on Orange Swapables, please visit