Orange has announced the launch of Secure Mobility from Orange, an end-to-end security solution for the remote management of data that sits on business and employee-owned mobile devices. Secure Mobility combines Mobile Device Management from Orange and Data VPN from Orange, to give business customers the enhanced secure remote working capabilities they demand, whilst reducing the administrative workload for IT departments.
Secure Mobility is available for use with multiple devices and operating systems, including iOS and Android. With Secure Mobility, businesses can remotely set-up and manage business applications on mobile devices, enforce security policies and carry out lock and wipe functions if one goes missing. Secure Mobility fully integrates into Microsoft Exchange environments and provides customers with administrator and end-user self-service portals. With this highly scalable service, businesses can control user authentication and content encryption, ensuring that only authorised and trusted parties can access their corporate network.
Orange has partnered with MobileIron to offer customers access to industry leading Mobile Device Management technology without the hassle of setting up and vetting new suppliers. Offered as part of the Secure Mobility solution, Mobile Device Management is also available as a standalone product, for customers who wish to integrate these tools with existing security solutions.
Max Taylor, Business Director at Everything Everywhere, the company that runs Orange UK, said: “Smartphones and tablets might be empowering businesses and their employees, but they are also generating new management and security challenges for IT teams who are under mounting pressure to ensure the security of a growing mobile fleet and the data it is being used to access. The fact that Secure Mobility is highly scalable and has a flexible pricing structure means that data protection and device management practices can adapt with the mobile fleet, rather than lagging behind it – even if a business has a ‘bring your own device’ policy. This reduces administrative overheads and allows IT teams to spend less time managing employees’ devices and protecting their networks and more time focusing on helping the business grow.”
Orange introduces Secure Mobility solution for business
Mobile operators,