"Kyivstar" offers three new prepaid package for economical communication in Russia

Ukrainian mobile operator "Kyivstar" was presented by its customers prepaid three packages for calls to and use of mobile Internet abroad - namely in Russia.

Validity of package offers roaming is 10 days, after this period communications services and mobile Internet services will be provided at standard rates. When you use batch minutes and megabytes earlier than 10 days of phone calls or internet access will be blocked, which will not spend more than planned. In order to regain access to communication services while roaming, you must:

or re-order the appropriate roaming package;
or deactivate the service by dialing * 106 * 1 * 0 # for further communication on standard tariffs in roaming (9 UAH. for incoming / outgoing minute, 5 UAH per 50 kb, 1 $ ~ 8 hr)
or wait until the expiration of the 10-day period and continue to use the communication services at standard rates when roaming.