MTS Group revenue increased during 2011 by 9% to $ 12.319 billion

The mobile operator MTS announced its consolidated financial and operating results for the fourth quarter and 2011 year ended December 31, 2011.

Key financial figures for Q4. and 2011 :

Consolidated revenues of the MTS Group, denominated in U.S. dollars, grew in 2011 at an annual rate of 9% to $ 12.319 billion.
Consolidated OIBDA for the MTS Group in 2011 increased by 6% to $ 5.144 billion on an annualized basis.
OIBDA margin in 2011 of the MTS Group was 41.8%. In Russia the figure was 42.6%, while in Ukraine - 48.0%.
Consolidated net profit of MTS in 2011 increased by 5% year on year and totaled $ 1.444 billion.
Net cash flow for the company in 2011 amounted to $ 1.026 billion.
Capital costs of the MTS Group in 2011 totaled $ 2.585 billion or 21.0% of Group revenues.
Proceeds of MTS on the main market companies in Russia, grew at an annual rate of 9% to 311.9 billion rubles, in Ukraine - by 7% to 9.104 billion hryvnia.
Revenue from data services in 2011 in Russia has grown over the year by 49% to 24.713 billion rubles in Ukraine, the growth of this indicator for the year was 60% in Uzbekistan, revenue growth from data services over the same period amounted to 122% on an annualized basis