Megafon SIM-card will help to monitor the Kirov convicted

The company MegaFon has announced he will participate in the implementation of electronic monitoring of controlled entities (samples) of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Kirov region. In this region, more than 400 electronic bracelets, will be equipped with SIM-cards from MegaFon, which will quickly pass information on the whereabouts of convicted persons. director of the Kirov branch of the Ural Branch of OJSC "MegaFon" Nicholas Onuchin said that to ensure the implementation of this project MegaFon specially built high-speed communication line ( FOL) to the server FPS of the Kirov region. Was also provided back-up wireless VPN-access using 3G-routers, and for the SIM-cards used in electronic bracelets, designed a special rate plan. SAMPLES The purpose is to control the movement and location of those sentenced to imprisonment. The system is a set of control devices. One of its main parts is an electronic bracelet that will monitor the prisoners and to determine his whereabouts 24 hours a day. Electronic bracelets can not be removed or re-program yourself: in such attempts at control inspector immediately signal, as well as in the case, if the convicted person goes to the forbidden territory for him.