In Moscow, earned first LTE-network

The group of companies "Antares" launched in Moscow the first fourth-generation cellular network that operates in the standard LTE. However, while it is running in test mode and in the range 1900 MHz. According to the publication "Vedomosti", now the speed of data transmission in the network exceeds 80 Mbit / s. GC "Antares" was in the frequency range 1900-1920 MHz in 2008, but in 2010 the State Commission for Radio Frequencies (SCRF) overturned this decision. Then, in March last year, "Antares" challenged the decision in court and still got the right to use frequencies. According to the representative of one of the cellular operators, a range that is available to SC "Antares", suitable for LTE, but same is unusual for such networks, so it may be difficult with the equipment and, eventually, a return on investment. However, in the "Antares" told "Vedomosti" that at such frequencies will be working LTE network in many European countries, as well as China's LTE network of China Mobile, and equipment will be fully accessible. Commercial operation of the GC LTE network "Antares" is to begin later this year.